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Blueberry Pie © by Boo King

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 543

I’ll bake you a blueberry pie
With the ones you picked last July
From the bushes that grew
Tidy rows two by two
I’ll bake you a blueberry pie.

These berries remind me of  you
And the mornings covered in dew
Gentle kisses our lips
Planets move souls eclipse
These berries remind me of you.

I’ll always remember you there
The answer to my urgent prayer
In the garden down on your knees
Picking berries just for me.

There’s a picture that comes to mind
Of all the things we’ll leave behind
From the blue sky above
To the depths of our love
There’s a picture that comes to mind.

I’ll always remember you there
The answer to my urgent prayer
In the garden down on your knees
Picking berries just for me.
You were picking berries just for me.

Link to music video featuring Rhonda Broadfoot:

blueberry pie