I own a home. Truthfully, I own it with my husband and the bank. For the most part I don’t think about the bank partnership, except for when it comes time to renew our...
I have a room of my own. Virginia Woolf would applaud this I’m sure. I’ve been blessed much of my adult life to have had such a space, a little sanctuary to call my own. ...
I love a good snow day. I always have. We had one last week. They are pretty rare in this part of the country so when one happens it’s an ‘event.’ Not momentous like...
I have regrets. Probably more than I care to admit, or face. I’m not one of those people who boldly declare, “I regret nothing.” I don’t necessarily wallow in them...
I have fears. I have always been afraid. Everything scares me. Anxiety has haunted me from the beginning, probably even in the womb. Perhaps there is deeper meaning to that...
I bake. Cookies mostly. But sometimes cakes on someone’s birthday. Or pies at Christmas or Thanksgiving. I love everything about baking – the ingredients, the...
I love to walk. Alone. Or with dogs. Sometimes with people. But mostly I like to walk alone (which sounds like the title of a good country song but that’s another...
At the start of every new year, I resolve. I gave up resolving out-loud years ago, but I resolve none the less. This year is no exception. Like a lot of people, I’ve...
When MA died two things happened. First, I lost one of the people who were most dear and precious to me. And second, she didn’t leave me with any words of wisdom regarding...
They say kids are like sponges. I don’t like that analogy, for a number of reasons but suffice to say Bob and Square Pants, and just leave it at that. I do think kids are...