I love music. I have my favorite genres. Like Rock. Or British Rock. Or Indie Rock. Or Alternate Rock. But mostly I just like music that is done well, regardless of...
I love sunflowers. They are such a cheerful good-natured flower. If they were people they would be the kind with the wide open faces and big toothy grins. You know the...
I own a home. Truthfully, I own it with my husband and the bank. For the most part I don’t think about the bank partnership, except for when it comes time to renew our...
I have a room of my own. Virginia Woolf would applaud this I’m sure. I’ve been blessed much of my adult life to have had such a space, a little sanctuary to call my own. ...
I love a good snow day. I always have. We had one last week. They are pretty rare in this part of the country so when one happens it’s an ‘event.’ Not momentous like...
I have regrets. Probably more than I care to admit, or face. I’m not one of those people who boldly declare, “I regret nothing.” I don’t necessarily wallow in them...
I have fears. I have always been afraid. Everything scares me. Anxiety has haunted me from the beginning, probably even in the womb. Perhaps there is deeper meaning to that...
I bake. Cookies mostly. But sometimes cakes on someone’s birthday. Or pies at Christmas or Thanksgiving. I love everything about baking – the ingredients, the...
I love to walk. Alone. Or with dogs. Sometimes with people. But mostly I like to walk alone (which sounds like the title of a good country song but that’s another...
At the start of every new year, I resolve. I gave up resolving out-loud years ago, but I resolve none the less. This year is no exception. Like a lot of people, I’ve...