Girl Warrior InspirationHey girl hey, you’ve landed in the right place. This is your inspiration hub. For all things wicked and wise. All things fierce. All things badass and oh so very good. All the things you think about, wonder about, dream about, are curious about and care about. All the things that will help you grow your valiant Girl Warrior spirit and wondrous, magical, joyous soul. And embrace those magical powers that sometimes scare the shit out of you. This is a safe space for all Girl Warriors and for those who stand lovingly with them.
Foster Wisdom Girl Warrior. Seek enlightenment, illumination and insight at every turn. Grow your intuition and awareness of the world around you and the one within. Fine-tune...
Press pause Girl Warrior. Give yourself a time out. Take a break. A breather. Remove yourself from the busy-ness of life. Especially when you feel you have no time to do so. For...
Girl Warrior resist the urge to judge. Criticize. Condemn. Crucify. Cast aspersions or make snap decisions about the words or deeds of others. Not everything is as it appears on...
Listen up Girl Warrior. Listen attentively and actively when someone is speaking to you. Listen empathically. Sympathetically. Conscientiously. Listen with your ears. Listen with...
Celebrate Girl Warrior. Everything. And anything. You can always find a reason. Take a moment every day to honor and take pleasure in something. Even the smallest and simplest....
Have a grateful heart Girl Warrior. Count your blessings. Each and very day. There are so many things to appreciate in your life. Right here and now. Take nothing for granted....
Be resilient Girl Warrior. Flexible. Pliable. Adaptable. Bend and sway like an elegant Willow tree. Full of grace and economy. Follow the ebb and flow of your wonderful...
Help one another Girl Warrior. By doing so you elevate everyone. You all rise to a loftier place. Reach that higher ground of understanding, compassion, empathy and healing. You...
Watch what you say, especially to yourself Girl Warrior. Pay attention to your inner dialogue. The relentless non-stop conversation you have inside your head. The bitter...
Work hard Girl Warrior. Especially if you want those big dreams to come true big time. Be willing to do whatever it takes. And I mean whatever. This may not be easy. The road may...