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Never Too Late to Start Over.

Girl Warrior Inspiration| Views: 1229

Girl Warrior it’s never too late to start over. To press the refresh button. Begin anew.  Hit reset, reboot or recharge. Give yourself a second chance. Or third, fourth, tenth, hundred times a hundred.

And see what happens.

No matter where or what you’ve been or done or said or not said up until this very moment, matters not. Really, truly, completely absorb this. Believe it. Not just with your mind but with your heart. In fact, let your heart take the lead with this particular endeavor. For your heart’s ancient omnipresent wisdom will guide you every step of the way. It will not fail you.

So fear not.

Then, remember the innocence, the wonder and pure gorgeousness of your Little Girl Warrior. Remember her?  She’s there now and always has been. Go back to her. Wrap your loving arms around her. Have a heart to heart. Take her by the hand. Renew your acquaintance with this precious person. The young Girl Warrior, who wore the cape and armed with wide-eyed wonder and a great big unstoppable imagination, believed she could be anyone, do anything, go anywhere. Conquer the world in her rare and one-of-a-kind fashion. She was radiant Starshine. And she is still with you.

Girl Warrior, wipe the slate clean and go out and reinvent yourself today in a way that would make Little Girl Warrior proud. So proud.