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Not for the Faint of Heart.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 810

Being Unfuckwithable Girl Warrior isn’t for the faint of heart. Or the girl who wants everyone to like her. Or think she’s so nice. Or sweet. Or the one afraid to offend. Anybody. Or hurt someone’s feelings. Displease, upset or shock. Not make waves. Ever.

The truth is, Unfuckwithable girls do all those things and a host of other seemingly impolite brassy offenses. Not because you aren’t good. Or kind. Or loving. Or decent. Because the Unfuckwithable possess all those virtuous attributes. In abundance.

But sometimes, life requires more from us. And sometimes, that means standing neck-deep in your truth. In the swamp of the bon-fide-honest-to-goodness-genuine-real thing. Living true to yourself with bold audaciousness takes courage, girl. It takes guts. Stamina. Resistance. Resilience. And quite frankly, a whole lot of ugly unpleasantness at times. For you and others. Don’t run from it. Embrace it. With arms and heart open wide to receive.

It’s risky. But take the risk, girl. By doing so, know that you may lose people along the way. The ones who take offense. Who are afraid of your fearlessness. Your independence from maintaining the status quo. From being liked by everyone. Your unwillingness to play nice. Always get along. But fear not. For these people were never your people, your folk, posse or your righteous gang of sisters and brothers. Look to your left and look to your right. The ones standing there are yours. Your faithful loved ones. Your allies. Your friends. The ones you can always count on to be there. They are all you need.

Being a nice girl is easy. You mastered that early. You’re good at. It comes naturally to you. And it’s your default. But being nice won’t necessarily carry you through a lifetime. And life feels awfully long when it’s lived inauthentically. Wearing that sunny disposition like a cloak of armor or a badge of honor is tiring. Exhausting. Quite frankly, being untrue to yourself is punishing. A burden to bear.

So it’s time to take off the Finery of Nice and put on your radical Unfuckwithable Suit, Girl Warrior.