Big C Tag Archive

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Take Two. Let’s Start Over.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 919

Sometimes I just want to start over. Tear out the page. Crumple it up.  Toss it into the nearest garbage can. Press delete. Delete. Delete. Begin again. Change everything....

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What Were You Thinking?

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 844

I’m not a mind reader.  I don’t have X-ray vision. No telepathic abilities that I’m aware of.  I’m definitely not a clairvoyant and the last time I checked I don’t...

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The Weekend from Hell.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 856

It was the weekend from hell. A topsy turvy terrifying roller coaster ride.  One moment we could see sunlight and the possibility of rosy days.  Only to be sucked into the...

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You Could Die Waiting.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 832

I have a big patience muscle.  I haven’t always.  But the older I get the bigger it grows.  It was tested fully those tedious grey hours that we sat waiting for a doctor in...

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