I’ve been brought to my knees. Countless times over the past year. In fear. Humility. Frustration. Weakness. In sorrow. To pray. Beg. Plead. Implore. Ask for mercy and...
Start. Stop. Slow down. Speed up. Wait. Proceed with caution. The traffic signs of the Big C trip. We’re forced to walk when all we really want to do is run. For our lives. ...
This post comes with a WARNING. What you’re about to read may make you uncomfortable. Or mad. I’m mad. Mad as hell. What do I do with all this seething anger? I...
I feel so many things. I’m a mixed bag of sentiments since this cancer thing with E began. Maybe like Lady Gaga, I was born this way. And E’s illness has just magnified, and...
Sometimes I just want to escape. Get away from it all. Take off. Break out. I have fantasies about this. They usually go something like this. I’m in the truck, or some...
Sometimes I just want to start over. Tear out the page. Crumple it up. Toss it into the nearest garbage can. Press delete. Delete. Delete. Begin again. Change everything....
I’m not a mind reader. I don’t have X-ray vision. No telepathic abilities that I’m aware of. I’m definitely not a clairvoyant and the last time I checked I don’t...
It was the weekend from hell. A topsy turvy terrifying roller coaster ride. One moment we could see sunlight and the possibility of rosy days. Only to be sucked into the...
I have a big patience muscle. I haven’t always. But the older I get the bigger it grows. It was tested fully those tedious grey hours that we sat waiting for a doctor in...
The ER is a dreary place. Even more so at 2:00am. It was quiet. Eerily so. I don’t know what I was expecting. A scene from the television show perhaps. Blood, guts and...