I learned to meditate while Ma was dying. If she had died suddenly. Or in another place. At a different time. I’d probably have a different story to tell. As an enduring student...
A few weeks ago I gave up. Surrendered. Let it all go. Threw a private tantrum. Held a pity party for one. Screamed silent rage. What exactly brought me to this place? What...
I do yoga. Like most things, I do it my way. Kind of like Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley or Sid Vicious. The record shows. Little back story. I started doing yoga with my best...
Do you ever wonder why some things in life appear as though they’ve been sprinkled with the enchantment of fairy dust? Why do some people, places or things touch our hearts in...
Dear Beautiful Sarah Jane, You saw my photograph and asked me, “If I found the fountain of youth?” On the one hand I took this to be a wonderful compliment, but I also saw...
I’m a visual person and so grateful for the gift of sight. Something happened recently that served as an exquisite reminder of what a wonder it is to be able to see. I mean...
Last week I watched an episode on Frontline called Generation Like. It was an enormously compelling, at times inspirational, but ultimately for me, a disturbing look into the...
Facebook really knows how to deliver the news. Whatever’s going on in the world, it ends up there in some way, shape or form. Guaranteed. So much of it is bullshit baffling...
I recently finished reading All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews. Like her other novels, it too was beautifully written and a brilliant read. After I finished the book, I said...
I love to read. I end each day snuggled under my shabby chic bedding, with my head propped on a stack of soft marshmallowy pillows, reading glasses perched on the end of my...