I love shoes. There’s nothing like a new pair to hearten the soul. And the soles. Snazzy sneakers for Saturday morning strolls with the dogs. Dependable running shoes for...
I like brown rice. But I didn’t always. It wasn’t exactly an everyday staple in our family when I was growing up. We mostly ate other starches like potatoes and...
I’m a morning person. I get up early while my family remains nestled all snug in their warm comfy beds. This does not mean they are sleepyheads. Or lazybones. It’s just that...
I like my garden. And I like to hang out in it. I like all the flowers and trees. The blueberry bushes, mauve lilacs and sundry shrubs with no names. The bird houses...
Dear God, It’s the middle of the night, And I cannot sleep. The rain is pounding on the roof And the wind is howling outside my window. But I am safe and warm, Comforted by my...
I like to give. I also like to receive. But giving just feels so much better. You get that warm and fuzzy feeling. All gooey inside like a hot fudge sundae. And...
I like to dance. I’m lousy at it but that’s beside the point. I have two left feet apparently. I lack rhythm. Poise. And most importantly, grace. I’m a klutz. ...
I like to work. I like what I do from 9 to 5, Monday to Friday. And I also like what I do outside of that window of time. There are many things about work that I like. But...
We went to Sibley Park And we swam in the coldest part We took pictures of the three of us Just you and me and Gus The sand was beige and hot And my suit was full of cherry dots...
I can’t swim. But I do like the water – to an extent. If my body were a map, my breast bone would be the dividing line. Like the equator. That’s the border between...