Something strange happened this week. I posted an album of vintage dog photos on Facebook, which I admit is not that unusual on its face. But one of the comments about the photos...
I’ll bake you a blueberry pie With the ones you picked last July From the bushes that grew Tidy rows two by two I’ll bake you a blueberry pie. These berries remind me of you...
Legend has it that when you die your life flashes before you. That may be true but since no one has ever lived to tell the tale, we’ll never really know for sure, will we?...
I joined Facebook back in the Spring of 2007. More accurately, my oldest daughter signed me up. I didn’t have a clue what it was, just that it was going to a place on the...
I started my career in advertising working for a small direct marketing company in Toronto. For historical context, this was back in the early eighties. We hawked affordable,...
I’m a sporadic churchgoer these days. There were times throughout my life when I was a faithful attendee. The Old Man, Ma and I used to go every Sunday. I was baptized and took...
I started writing letters to God over thirty years ago. At the time, I desperately needed to talk to someone and there wasn’t anyone in close proximity that I could tell this...
I walk my ginger cookie dog Rusty every morning in the hour just before dawn. It’s a sweet time. A gift from heaven. Peaceful. Quiet. A writer’s blessing. The hush before the...
It’s no secret that I’m a dog lover. Always have been, always will be. I was born into a house of dog lovers. And other animals too – cats, birds, fish, gerbils. You name,...
My Old Man was obsessed with lottery tickets. Every week he bought one (or more accurately, more than one, more like a fistful). He would rub his hands together and gleefully...