I love surprises. Good ones that is. Bad ones, not at all. No, not ever. They can go back to wherever they came from. Take a hike. Pronto. They deserve the return to sender...
Hey Bill, way back when you were still my Old Man here on Planet Earth, never in a million years did I think I would miss all the crazy craziness of you. All your loud...
Oh sweet single mom At the end of the day When you flop exhausted And road weary Into your bed The pillow beside you Empty Whether by choice Or by chance Intended or unforeseen It...
See the little girl in the foreground of this photograph? Looks like she’s fresh out of her Sunday-night bath with her wet hair, a white cotton towel draped over her tiny...
Sometimes a Girl Warrior’s gotta do what a Girl Warrior’s gotta do. Here’s my story. On January 21, I did something I’ve never done before. Something so deeply marrow...
The Set-up. On Tuesday evening I participated in #MichaelMoore‘s Facebook Live Event. It was a very interesting experience to say the least. After I introduced myself to...
I grew up in a border town, which meant that in a mere half-hour we could be in Minnesota. Taking a drive to “The States” was something we did on a regular basis. The Old Man,...
My last post was a personal message to all the Girl Warriors in my life. My strong, fierce and beautiful daughters, grand daughter, daughter-in-law and the original warrior,...
I’m a warrior. It’s taken me decades to accept this notion. But I now know it to be true. How could I have been otherwise? I was raised by one of the best warriors God...
I have been asked if E’s cancer changed anything. What a preposterous question. Of course it changed things. It changed everything. But that’s not the question really...