business Tag Archive

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Be Happy. Dive Into The Deep.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 641

I’m not much of a swimmer. I can dog paddle for very short periods at a time. Otherwise I’m too pooped to pop. Treading water escapes me. There’s a rhythm to it that I just...

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Love Hate Love Facebook.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 371

I joined Facebook back in the Spring of 2007. More accurately, my oldest daughter signed me up. I didn’t have a clue what it was, just that it was going to a place on the...

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Shanti Bremer. It’s Always Chai Time for this Island-Based Entrepreneur.

Girl Warrior Stories| Views: 1663

Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration of our Feature Girl Warrior, the multi-talented musician and entrepreneur, Shanti Bremer, Founder of...

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Pamela Sylvan. Mojomaker and Treasure Hunter.

Girl Warrior Stories| Views: 2043

Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration of our Feature Girl Warrior, magician-sage-mage Pamela Sylvan, earth bound female tripping through life...

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Kristy Clark. The Entrepreneur with Tattoos who Seized the Day.

Girl Warrior Stories| Views: 5953

Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration of our Feature Girl Warrior, entrepreneur extraordinaire, Kristy Clark, a deeply compassionate woman of...

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Stay in Your Own Lane.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1011

Stay in your own lane Girl Warrior. Focus on the task at hand. Concentrate fully on what you want to achieve and accomplish right here and now. Make this your priority. Pay...

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