celebration Tag Archive

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The Pearl Ring.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 437

My Old Man was obsessed with lottery tickets. Every week he bought one (or more accurately, more than one, more like a fistful). He would rub his hands together and gleefully...

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A Good Snow Day Trumps All.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 817

I love a good snow day.  I always have. We had one last week.  They are pretty rare in this part of the country so when one happens it’s an ‘event.’  Not momentous like...

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It Can Be Awkward.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 928

The day I had the epiphany, that ‘ah ha!’ moment after reading The New York Times article, I got to thinking about when this whole thing began.  Not the world beginning, that...

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