freedom Tag Archive

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Liberty Will Set You Free.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 355

I started writing letters to God over thirty years ago.  At the time, I desperately needed to talk to someone and there wasn’t anyone in close proximity that I could tell this...

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I want to.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 483

I want to… Go for a walk without being afraid of anything Go for lunch without making complicated plans Go to shops and touch things that catch my eye Go to a movie with a...

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The Escape Artists.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 873

Sometimes I just want to escape.  Get away from it all.  Take off. Break out.  I have fantasies about this.  They usually go something like this. I’m in the truck, or some...

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Wearing the Cloak of Invisibility

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 1091

I’m over the hill. Shocking news I know. Truth is, I’ve been here for a while. It’s a hard one to come to terms with. So I’ve been breaking it to myself gently.  But...

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I Recall the Smell Like it was Yesterday.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 880

Certain smells always bring me back.  Flood my brain with memories.  Ones I thought were long gone and forgotten.  I love it when this happens.  It’s enough to send me on a...

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