Jesus Tag Archive

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The Search for Meaning.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 796

I’m a seeker.  Especially at Christmas time.  I search for perfect gifts for everyone on my list. Ones filled with wow and wonder.  I comb second hand stores for delicate...

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Snapshot of Mel at Four.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 831

Melissa sat in the brown Rubbermaid laundry hamper hugging her knees.  She was wearing her over-sized blue sweatshirt with the Dalmatians on the front and purple leggings. Her...

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The Christmas Dance.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 1011

I have many fond memories of Christmas.  The wonder years at 204 waiting for Santa’s arrival. Shaking the merrily wrapped boxes adorned with bright ribbons and bows.  Guessing...

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Believe in Something Bigger than Yourself.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1198

Believe in something bigger than yourself Girl Warrior.  Know that you are connected to every living thing in this marvelous Universe. That’s a huge and daunting thought. So...

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