truth Tag Archive

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What Were You Thinking?

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 967

I’m not a mind reader.  I don’t have X-ray vision. No telepathic abilities that I’m aware of.  I’m definitely not a clairvoyant and the last time I checked I don’t...

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Watch What You Say

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 906

Watch what you say, especially to yourself Girl Warrior. Pay attention to your inner dialogue. The relentless non-stop conversation you have inside your head. The bitter...

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Never Stop Learning

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1080

Never stop learning Girl Warrior.  Your education doesn’t end with the cap and gown. Or the walk across the stage to collect your diploma. Truth is, it’s just beginning. Be...

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Be Honest

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1152

Be honest Girl Warrior. Speak up. Speak out. Speak your truth. Express yourself.  Whatever that means to you. However that looks. Tell it like it is. Or how you wish it were. Or...

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