Girl Warrior InspirationHey girl hey, you’ve landed in the right place. This is your inspiration hub. For all things wicked and wise. All things fierce. All things badass and oh so very good. All the things you think about, wonder about, dream about, are curious about and care about. All the things that will help you grow your valiant Girl Warrior spirit and wondrous, magical, joyous soul. And embrace those magical powers that sometimes scare the shit out of you. This is a safe space for all Girl Warriors and for those who stand lovingly with them.
Be generous Girl Warrior. Magnanimous. Charitable. In every way. With everything and everybody. Give of what you have. What you know. Open your heart and your hand. Release and...
Follow your passions Girl Warrior. Therein lies your love affair with life. Be curious. Channel your inner Curious George. Do things that you love to do. Follow your bliss...
Find your tribe Girl Warrior. Your pack. Your posse. Your band of sisters and brothers. Surround yourself with people you trust, respect and enjoy. You don’t have to always...
Open your heart wide and let in the love Girl Warrior. Go where your heart leads you. And don’t run from its softness. Let it be tender. Kind. Compassionate. Gentle. Extend your...
Get a kick out of life Girl Warrior. Have fun. Find things that amuse and delight you. Not just once and awhile. But every day. Don’t put it off for the weekend. For vacation...
Stare down your fears Girl Warrior. Look them straight in the eyes. Laugh at them. Call their bluff. See how small they become when you do. Just nothing but false evidence...
Be real Girl Warrior. Authentically you. One hundred percent genuine and true blue to the bone. So damned legit that the mold was broken the moment you took your first breath. Be...