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Love Hate Love Facebook.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 370

I joined Facebook back in the Spring of 2007. More accurately, my oldest daughter signed me up. I didn’t have a clue what it was, just that it was going to a place on the...

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Ruth Josephine Evilsizer. The Beautiful Writer and Poet the World is Excited to Meet.

Girl Warrior Stories| Views: 867

Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration of our Feature Girl Warrior, the extraordinary and exquisite writer Ruth Josephine Evilsizer. A...

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Farewell Friend.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 666

It’s starting to happen. Truth is, it’s been happening all along this life’s journey of mine. But now there’s a sweetness to it. An undeniable inevitable essence that...

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My Best Friend Forever.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 902

I have a best friend.  Ma always told me that if I had one really good friend in life, then I was truly blessed.  She was right.  And I do.  I was reminded of this on Saturday...

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Stray Cats, Hitch Hikers and Under Dogs.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 866

I love stray cats.  I’m not talking about the feline variety, although I do like them.  Nor am I talking about the band from the eighties.  I like them too.  The stray cats...

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