tribe Tag Archive

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This is The Man we All Love.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 1217

My last post was a personal message to all the Girl Warriors in my life.  My strong, fierce and beautiful daughters, grand daughter, daughter-in-law and the original warrior,...

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Sometimes You Have to Leave the Herd.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1218

Sometimes you have to leave the herd Girl Warrior. Pull away from the pack. And step out on your own. Fly solo. Go it alone. Take on the world single-handedly and forge a path...

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The Remarkable Ones

Uncategorized| Views: 1050

Be one of the Remarkable Ones Take your place among The Extraordinary The Exceptional The mind-blowing Phenoms The beautiful Freaks And breathtaking Weirdos. Stand...

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Don’t Settle.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1121

Don’t settle Girl Warrior. Go along with, resign or reconcile yourself, stomach, swallow or submit to anything that doesn’t ring true to the bright and shiny person you are....

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Find Your Tribe.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1090

Find your tribe Girl Warrior. Your pack. Your posse. Your band of sisters and brothers.  Surround yourself with people you trust, respect and enjoy.  You don’t have to always...

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