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The Interview.

Hey Girl Warriors, Uncategorized| Views: 1317

This is an interview I did with the lovely Karen Elgersma, host of the TV show Go Island about my book We Are The Girl Warriors. I was terrified. I had to practice Step 2 in the...

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Books Worth Reading Again and Again.

Uncategorized| Views: 1128

From the old bookshelf.  Timeless classics from first and second wave feminists. Always something new to learn.    ...

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Say You’re Sorry.

Hey Girl Warriors, Uncategorized| Views: 1302

Say you’re sorry Girl Warrior. When called for. When justified. And most importantly, when the shoe fits. Step up and do the right thing. Without hesitation. Waffling. Or second...

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Women’s March January 20, 2018

Uncategorized| Views: 1196

We marched in Victoria and Vancouver. United, strong and fierce....

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Petra MacDougall. The Sacred Warrioress and the Power of Love.

Girl Warrior Stories, Uncategorized| Views: 1994

Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration of our Feature Girl Warrior, Body Talk Practitioner and Sacred Warrioress, Petra MacDougall, a devoted...

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Helping One Another

Uncategorized| Views: 930


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Girl Warriors wear it best.

Uncategorized| Views: 2098

Put on your t-shirt and make a statement....

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Girl in the water.

Uncategorized| Views: 1363

Your reflection in the puddle is different depending on the preciseness of your presence, the direction of the sun, how it skims the surface of the murky water, and the angle with...

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The Remarkable Ones

Uncategorized| Views: 919

Be one of the Remarkable Ones Take your place among The Extraordinary The Exceptional The mind-blowing Phenoms The beautiful Freaks And breathtaking Weirdos. Stand...

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