Books Tag Archive

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Liberty Will Set You Free.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 355

I started writing letters to God over thirty years ago.  At the time, I desperately needed to talk to someone and there wasn’t anyone in close proximity that I could tell this...

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Read Books.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1591

Read books Girl Warrior. Fall in love with this beautiful skill that you learned in elementary school. Make reading a daily lifelong habit, a sacred ritual and part of your DNA....

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Bad Girls.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 1251

I received some really wonderful gifts this Christmas. The best of which was spending time with my family, especially my adult children who come home every year for Christmas and...

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For the Love of Mary Ann Passingham.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 888

Dear Love, I wanted you to know that my great grandmother’s name was Mary Ann Passingham and she was born on the Isle of Wight. And that some day I’m going to write a romance...

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Wayne Dyer, You Changed My Life.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 865

Facebook really knows how to deliver the news. Whatever’s going on in the world, it ends up there in some way, shape or form. Guaranteed. So much of it is bullshit baffling...

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Good Faith and Libraries.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 830

I recently finished reading All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews.  Like her other novels, it too was beautifully written and a brilliant read. After I finished the book, I said...

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Listening to Books.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 851

I love to read. I end each day snuggled under my shabby chic bedding, with my head propped on a stack of soft marshmallowy pillows, reading glasses perched on the end of my...

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Oh Teacher Teacher.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 850

I’m a teacher. There was a time in my life when I never wanted to admit that.  I was embarrassed.  Similar to how I felt about The Old Man being a breadman.  Those who can....

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Every Girl Needs a Room Where She Can Dream.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 853

I have a room of my own.  Virginia Woolf would applaud this I’m sure. I’ve been blessed much of my adult life to have had such a space, a little sanctuary to call my own. ...

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