gratitude Tag Archive

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Embrace Your IW.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1885

Go beyond your IQ Girl Warrior and embrace your IW. Your Inner Weirdo is the most glorious and incomparable thing about you. The best. The thing that makes you uniquely you....

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Older Not Wiser.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 958

When I was twenty it was hard to imagine being old. I don’t mean growing old because the word “growing” implies that there is some sort of process or action taking place....

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Get Back Up.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1613

Get back up Girl Warrior. When you get knocked down. Thrown to the ground or thrown for a loop. When life tosses you a curve ball or chucks you to the curb, don’t take it lying...

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Ode to the Single Mom.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 1103

Oh sweet single mom At the end of the day When you flop exhausted And road weary Into your bed The pillow beside you Empty Whether by choice Or by chance Intended or unforeseen It...

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I Love Daily To Do Lists.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 834

I love To Do lists.  They keep me organized.  Help me to remember.  Remind me of what’s important.  They keep things orderly. Sweet and simple.  Neat and tidy. I love the...

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Baker’s Dozen – 13 Virtues from my Parents.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 907

Ma and The Old Man taught me much during our lifetime together.  Some things were practical and intentional.  Like cooking and cleaning up after myself.  Brushing my teeth...

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Happy to be Here.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 822

It’s been one of those weeks. The up and down roller coaster ride. Good. Bad. With a little bit of random thrown in for good measure. It’s also been one of those weeks that...

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Spend Time with a Mentor.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 996

Spend time with a mentor Girl Warrior. If you don’t have one, find one. Chances are, this person is already in your life. Chances are, you’ve already engaged in a...

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Have a Grateful Heart

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 992

Have a grateful heart Girl Warrior. Count your blessings. Each and very day. There are so many things to appreciate in your life. Right here and now. Take nothing for granted....

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