love Tag Archive

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The Pearl Ring.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 436

My Old Man was obsessed with lottery tickets. Every week he bought one (or more accurately, more than one, more like a fistful). He would rub his hands together and gleefully...

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In Our Heart of Hearts.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 529

I think most people in their heart of hearts want to do good things, be kind, extend grace, lend a helping hand, forgive easily and love others. I think most people in their heart...

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Be Sweet To Yourself.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1911

Be sweet to yourself, Girl Warrior. Think of a sentient being, a pet for example or a human you cherish, and examine thoughtfully how you treat them, how you interact with them,...

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Farewell Friend.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 665

It’s starting to happen. Truth is, it’s been happening all along this life’s journey of mine. But now there’s a sweetness to it. An undeniable inevitable essence that...

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Complicated Love. Complicated Grief.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 733

It’s been twenty-one years since Ma and The Old Man checked out of Hotel Earth. They died five weeks apart in the dead of winter. Like many things in their life together, Ma...

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I Remember Her.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 533

Some days I feel like a Slab of frozen meat Left to thaw on a stylishly Barren countertop Slick granite hard as steel A lifetime promise Guaranteed to outlive me   While the...

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I Hugged a Girl. What Would Jesus Do? Part 2.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 719

On the last day of work before the agency dispersed to work at our respective homes, I hugged a girl. I’m not really a big huggy person, except with my family. And even then,...

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Tell Me Your Story.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 2094

Girl Warrior Tell me your story I am here to listen and to learn Tell me your story To shine the light on your valued life Tell me your story And I will share it tenderly with...

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The Potter Man.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 830

Hey Toby, Remember me And when We first met It’s been A lifetime or two Since then Memories recede For some But I Remember you Vividly   It was the Summer of ‘74 Nixon...

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The Search for Meaning.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 795

I’m a seeker.  Especially at Christmas time.  I search for perfect gifts for everyone on my list. Ones filled with wow and wonder.  I comb second hand stores for delicate...

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