I used to whine and bemoan the ‘dailiness’ of life. How it was all so painfully relentless. Went on and on and on. One predictable day after the other. Blurring homogeneously...
I don’t agree that age is just a number. Whatever your age is that is your number. Chronologically, consecutively, in order of time. That number represents the years you’ve...
I have a confession to make. And it’s a hard one for me. A real freakin’ doozy. It’s something I hate talking about. Even to myself. It could have something to do with the...
Some days I feel like a Slab of frozen meat Left to thaw on a stylishly Barren countertop Slick granite hard as steel A lifetime promise Guaranteed to outlive me While the...
Building a life in Victoria was my field of dreams. I landed here on July 1, 1991 filled with equal parts excitement and terror. Looking forward with hope but restrained optimism....
One of the hardest things for a pet owner to do is to say goodbye. This is something I know intimately. I’ve had to say the final farewell a few times over the years. It’s...
I stand on one side Of the canyon And you on the other We both look down At the beautiful view Of the canyon floor And we agree It is a sight to behold Yet our definition Of...
Words matter. I disagree. Words are merely a combination of letters, and for the sake of this argument, I’m talking about the letters of the English alphabet. We have 26 options...
It’s no secret that I love books. Not only reading them but also writing them. There are few pastimes more enjoyable than hunkering down with a good book – anywhere really. We...
My word for last year is “shocking.” Everything shocked me. And I’m not one to be easily shocked. Startled, yes. Taken by surprise, absolutely. Caught unawares, often....