Girl Warrior InspirationHey girl hey, you’ve landed in the right place. This is your inspiration hub. For all things wicked and wise. All things fierce. All things badass and oh so very good. All the things you think about, wonder about, dream about, are curious about and care about. All the things that will help you grow your valiant Girl Warrior spirit and wondrous, magical, joyous soul. And embrace those magical powers that sometimes scare the shit out of you. This is a safe space for all Girl Warriors and for those who stand lovingly with them.
This is a very personal message from my heart to yours. This time of year always brings me to a place of reflection, contemplation and introspection. Maybe it has something to do...
Take care of your habitat Girl Warrior. It’s the only real home you’ve got. And right now it’s fragile. Vulnerable. Compromised. And in a very tenuous state, hanging on by a...
Get back up Girl Warrior. When you get knocked down. Thrown to the ground or thrown for a loop. When life tosses you a curve ball or chucks you to the curb, don’t take it lying...
Don’t put your life on hold. For any reason. The cliché that life is not a dress rehearsal bears truth here. This is it. It’s all you’ve got. Your one shot. Press pause if...
Set your heart Girl Warrior. Program it with all your deepest passionate desires. Apply it with everything that suits your fancy, along with all the things you plan to achieve...
Make it awkward, especially in sticky difficult situations Girl Warrior. Or during those times when your first inclination would be to cut your losses and walk away. Sometimes...
Stay in your own lane Girl Warrior. Focus on the task at hand. Concentrate fully on what you want to achieve and accomplish right here and now. Make this your priority. Pay...
Make this the year you piss or get off the pot Girl Warrior. This is your great big powerful year where you kick all the excuses, delaying tactics, postponing, stalling and...
Girl Warrior set your intentions. Start today. Right this minute, here and now. Don’t squander or waste another day living a life that isn’t your utmost best or reflective of...
Sometimes you have to leave the herd Girl Warrior. Pull away from the pack. And step out on your own. Fly solo. Go it alone. Take on the world single-handedly and forge a path...