Hey Girl Warriors Hey girl hey, you’ve landed in the right place. This is your inspiration hub. For all things wicked and wise. All things fierce. All things badass and oh so very good. All the things you think about, wonder about, dream about, are curious about and care about. All the things that will help you grow your valiant Girl Warrior spirit and wondrous, magical, joyous soul. And embrace those magical powers that sometimes scare the shit out of you. This is a safe space for all Girl Warriors and for those who stand lovingly with them.

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Grow Your Compassion Muscle

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 983

Grow your compassion muscle Girl Warrior. Be kind. Make this your ‘go to’ virtue in every situation.  Ask yourself, if I say this or do that, what affect will it have?  Not...

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Never Stop Learning

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 990

Never stop learning Girl Warrior.  Your education doesn’t end with the cap and gown. Or the walk across the stage to collect your diploma. Truth is, it’s just beginning. Be...

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Have Impeccable Manners

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 983

Have impeccable manners Girl Warrior.  There is no excuse for rudeness. Anywhere. Anytime. Treat everyone respectfully and politely.  Please and thank you go a long way. Be...

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Take Good Care of Yourself

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 996

Take good care of yourself Girl Warrior.  Do whatever it takes to be physically healthy. All the days of your life. Do it for yourself. And for all the people who love you. Be...

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Believe in Something Bigger than Yourself.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1224

Believe in something bigger than yourself Girl Warrior.  Know that you are connected to every living thing in this marvelous Universe. That’s a huge and daunting thought. So...

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Be in the Moment

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 981

Be in the Moment Girl Warrior. Be present. Fully engaged. Right here. Right now. Don’t waste one single solitary second being anywhere else than where you are at this very...

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Take Risks

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 974

Take risks Girl Warrior. Big ones. Small ones. The kind only you know you’re taking. This is your deal. Go out on a limb. Get rid of the safety net. Free fall. Hang ten. Step...

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Defend and Stand Up for Something

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 962

Defend and stand up for something. That’s what true Girl Warriors do.  Don’t stand on the sidelines. Believe in something. If you haven’t got a cause. Find one. The mission...

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Be Honest

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1064

Be honest Girl Warrior. Speak up. Speak out. Speak your truth. Express yourself.  Whatever that means to you. However that looks. Tell it like it is. Or how you wish it were. Or...

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Be Generous

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1075

  Be generous Girl Warrior. Magnanimous. Charitable. In every way. With everything and everybody. Give of what you have. What you know. Open your heart and your hand. Release and...

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