faith Tag Archive

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I Saw God in Church.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 389

I’m a sporadic churchgoer these days. There were times throughout my life when I was a faithful attendee. The Old Man, Ma and I used to go every Sunday. I was baptized and took...

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Field of Dreams.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 986

Building a life in Victoria was my field of dreams. I landed here on July 1, 1991 filled with equal parts excitement and terror. Looking forward with hope but restrained optimism....

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You Gotta Have Faith.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 2341

There will be times when you’ve got to work with the faith others have in you Girl Warrior. Why? Because we don’t always see what others see. We don’t always have an...

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Shakita Jones. The Powerful Voice and Advocate for Lupus Awareness.

Girl Warrior Stories| Views: 3160

Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration of our Feature Girl Warrior, the passionate advocate bringing awareness to the chronic disease of LUPUS and...

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It Can Be Awkward.

Breadman's Daughter| Views: 928

The day I had the epiphany, that ‘ah ha!’ moment after reading The New York Times article, I got to thinking about when this whole thing began.  Not the world beginning, that...

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Set Your Intentions.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1111

Girl Warrior set your intentions. Start today. Right this minute, here and now. Don’t squander or waste another day living a life that isn’t your utmost best or reflective of...

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Take a Leap of Faith.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1088

Take a leap of faith Girl Warrior. Especially in those pivotal moments that define the direction of your life, if not permanently, than for a colossal chunk of it.  The make or...

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Know When to Take Off the Kid Gloves.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1116

Know when to take off the kid gloves Girl Warrior. This comes with a warning, as it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Especially when it comes to our beloved tribe. And ourselves. Our...

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Believe in Something Bigger than Yourself.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1197

Believe in something bigger than yourself Girl Warrior.  Know that you are connected to every living thing in this marvelous Universe. That’s a huge and daunting thought. So...

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