Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration of our Feature Girl Warrior, dedicated Health Sciences student and passionate, caring volunteer Sheetal...
Take care of your habitat Girl Warrior. It’s the only real home you’ve got. And right now it’s fragile. Vulnerable. Compromised. And in a very tenuous state, hanging on by a...
Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration of our Feature Girl Warrior, author, coach and motivational speaker, Wendy Foster, founder and CEO (Chief...
Get back up Girl Warrior. When you get knocked down. Thrown to the ground or thrown for a loop. When life tosses you a curve ball or chucks you to the curb, don’t take it lying...
Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration our Feature Girl Warrior, award winning accredited Master photographer, Frances Litman, a passionate...
Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration of our Feature Girl Warrior, competitive swimmer, Christin Petelski, who followed her passions and...
Today we raise our fists high and put our hands together in celebration of our Feature Girl Warrior, mobile makeup artist Melanie Baird, a woman of character and the...
Set your heart Girl Warrior. Program it with all your deepest passionate desires. Apply it with everything that suits your fancy, along with all the things you plan to achieve...
Your reflection in the puddle is different depending on the preciseness of your presence, the direction of the sun, how it skims the surface of the murky water, and the angle with...
Make it awkward, especially in sticky difficult situations Girl Warrior. Or during those times when your first inclination would be to cut your losses and walk away. Sometimes...