Girl Warrior Wisdom Hey girl hey, you've landed in the right place. This is your inspiration hub. For all things wicked and wise. All things fierce. All things badass and oh so very good. All the things you think about, wonder about, dream about, are curious about and care about. All the things that will help you grow your valiant Girl Warrior spirit and wondrous, magical, joyous soul. And embrace those magical powers that sometimes scare the shit out of you. This is a safe space for all Girl Warriors and for those who stand lovingly with them.

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Our Mothers. Our Heroes.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 2202

One of the questions I ask all the Girl Warriors that I interview is, “Who is/are your Girl Warrior Hero(s)?” Their esteemed heroes cover the gamut from influential women in...

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Say I Love You.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1897

Self-care is more than getting pedicures, facials, eyebrow waxes or shiatsu massages Girl Warrior. That’s only part of the picture. Treating yourself to a “me day” can...

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Start Early.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 2050

Start your day early Girl Warrior. By doing so you will begin to activate your true genius. It is during these wee hours that you will find your purpose for the day. And for your...

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You Gotta Have Faith.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 2341

There will be times when you’ve got to work with the faith others have in you Girl Warrior. Why? Because we don’t always see what others see. We don’t always have an...

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Side Hustle.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1725

Get yourself a side hustle Girl Warrior. A little somethin’ somethin’ besides the thing you’re doing right now. Especially if the thing that’s going on right now isn’t...

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Read Books.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1591

Read books Girl Warrior. Fall in love with this beautiful skill that you learned in elementary school. Make reading a daily lifelong habit, a sacred ritual and part of your DNA....

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Say You’re Sorry.

Hey Girl Warriors, Uncategorized| Views: 1303

Say you’re sorry Girl Warrior. When called for. When justified. And most importantly, when the shoe fits. Step up and do the right thing. Without hesitation. Waffling. Or second...

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Stop Being a Nice Girl.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1463

Girl Warrior, stop being such a nice girl. A good girl. A sweet girl. Flush that sugar and spice and all things nice crap down the proverbial toilette along with all the pink...

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From Me to We.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1563

Go from me to we Girl Warrior. Let that thought sink in for a moment. Now take your eyes and your mind and your thoughts off yourself and take a long hard look at the world around...

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Dear Girl Warrior Daughters.

Hey Girl Warriors| Views: 1549

This is a very personal message from my heart to yours. This time of year always brings me to a place of reflection, contemplation and introspection. Maybe it has something to do...

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